sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010

Run, Don't Walk

When we live in the system, and we see walls rising in between
what is real and what is merely a wish of our eyes, we strife in search
for the golden compass that will lead us to a shrine lost in space and
time, where the Gods of ancient tribes were called luck and survival,
where shields were hope and swords were sweat. We run towards those
walls, charging blindly towards the gigantic windmill and commit to
those Gods' will, that we will be harder and breach through the system,
that we will get better at the fight against Him, that we will be
stronger and break the javelins of Destiny, that we will be faster and
escape the clutches of time and death.

And behind the wall we find a valley of light, shrouded in a
mist of sweet melodies, of old memories, of a time we live once more
only in our deepest dreams. We transcend to an existence beyond
understanding, a plane which was erased from our minds by an evermore
evolving System, by an Administrator which gives away blinding bandages
in which we see relief from our pain, an easy exit to everything that
makes us raise our swords and shields,and yell to the Man I ain't gonna
be your pawn no more.

In time the black crows of resignation eat our eyes in silver
platters handed on by our tied hands, and wobbling legs, chained by our
ankles to iron weighs. But that ought to be no more, because we have
the Gods in our side, which makes us open our eyes and see the evil
machinery which fights towards the only real god: Change. Any system
conspiring to make humanity an homogeneous mixture of unwilling minds
is doomed to fall to the uprising fists of rebellion because we are the
People. We break the links in chains and yell towards the skies giving
larger and faster steps every time.

Knees weren't made to kneel.
Hands weren't made to give away ourselves.
Mouths weren't made to praise a self-proclaimed god.
Eyes weren't made to be closed.

We have knees to run faster, we have hands to build our destiny,
we have mouths to express our joy, we have eyes to see the Truth. And
behind that wall, beyond that ever turning windmill, we will find it,
waiting for us, sitting under a tree, toying with a red apple and a
wide grin meant to cheer us up. Don't get fooled by the apparent
divinity, it is not Truth the true God, we don't serve Truth, we don't
live Truth, we don't want the Truth. The real god is the tree, the
apple, the breaking of the wall, the grin of Truth. The true god is
what drives us to stampede through the gates of Reality.

Truth was meant to be changed, Truth was made to be ever
changing, everlasting cycles of death and rebirth. Don't just seek the
truth, as ancient philosophers claimed to do. What utility is embedded
in the finding of Truth? None. The more you know and the less you do
will slowly turn you into beautiful Statues of wisdom, advice pouring
out of your mouth while your lonely, soft heart withers away with the
passing of ages, loosing any sense of humanity, getting only more stiff
and cold until the day you are not human anymore, but a mountain that
has set a new System. That is why now, I tell thee, we serve just one
God, the ever moving power of Change. Seek Truth, breaking the System
and change it, serving our god with the divine tools given to us.

We humans are mortals, creators of immortality, we live and
die but the changes we make stay, our footprints live a mark and vanish
with a greater change than the mark on the land itself. Nothing is dust
in the wind, that which fades away is reborn anew, in a more beautiful
perfect manner we could ever understand. That which we do is never
undone, rather it's the beginning of an infinite cycle of events, so in
a manner, we humans die, but never go away. Take that for a God, and
Change daily, make of your life a constant routine of spontaneous
events, every step is a creator of possibilities, never hesitate to act,
never get stuck in an unmoving path. Be forever an unstoppable flow of
energy, do not let any mountain, as high as it might be, stop you, even
if it seems the easy way out. Never stop, never sleep, never rest, life
is flowing and everything with it, and our eyes can look only to the
way we stare, so Hope is there for you to unbend your knees, Luck is
there for you to be happy or learn from your falls, sweat is there to
give you the satisfaction of your own work, nourishment is there to
support you when your mouth cries from hunger. Truth is there not to be
seen, but to be changed.

There is no goal, no end zone, no Finish line, the moment you
see yourself in the mirror and think your perfect, you're done for. It
never ends until it ends, and is not up for us to end it, nor the
System's decision, nor the Gods will, nor is it the Only Truth that we
will pass away.

Immortality is there for those who seek it, Truth is there for
those who are willing to work it, Divinity is there for those that keep
changing the World even after death.

Run, don't walk, and live forever.

Rampage of an Emotional Cremation of Reason and Logic

Has it not been a lifetime already?

Has it not been miles and miles of laughter and crying, of joy and pride?

Even the hard stone gets eroded by the cool soothing wind over time, and a lifetime seems long enough for any stone.

But stones crumble and fall down when the hollowness left behind by the lovely wind eats them inside-out

And is it not wind's nature to flow unstoppable and unrivaled?

Is it not the seducing dance of her exotics arms an embracing touch of warmth and care?

But a mountain remains unhallowed, thawed only on the outside, getting tired of Wind's constant leashing

But the mountain remains silent, mourning only the perils of staying at her side

Like a lovely rose in bleeding fingers he endures the constant charge of the howling blizzards that merciless Wind strikes down

And the mountain won't budge.

Have we not all seen the crown of the world, full of ice and touching the skies.

For any mountain that awaits long enough the ceasing of the Hurricane will realize how futile his defenses were

Age will result in only two kinds of birth for any mountain:

The peak less, blue-dressed, ice-covered ranges hurling towards the sky, in vane trying to grasp the dancing wind, from which we have al learned that unrequited love is an accelerator of entropy, quickly mugging the scarce heat that resides in a stone cold, stone hard heart. For all of those mountains proud enough to enclose their core with masks of rock and sand and rubble and wall, the harder they pretend to be, the colder they turn. And it will be an ultimate death, reaching the loved One in the form of a mindless corpse of grudge and repentance.

But for those mountains that open way for the Wind through them, and endure the ravishing, lascivious endeavors of energetic invitations, they will find tunneled beneath the core of their hearts a chamber to the heart of hearts, where the warmth will comfort both rock and wind, and two in one they shall inter-wind, and fireworks will shoot in the sky and the contents of the heart will spill out through the mountain's mouth as the tiny rocks should have learned to do. And eloquently shall these ranging volcanic mountains enter the Circle of Fire within the grasp of Wind, which will warm inside and out and kiss endlessly until the hearts of hearts is frozen.

And that, will last an eternal life time of laughter and crying and joy and dancing.